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What does “CE certified” mean


What does “CE certified” mean?

CE certification is a passport for products entering the EU and European Free Trade Zone countries. To enter the EU and the European Free Trade Zone, products of any country must be CE-certified and CE marked on the product. CE certification indicates that the product has met the safety requirements stipulated by the EU Directive; products marked with the CE mark will reduce the risk of sales in the European market, in particular, CE certification must be handled at the notified body authorized by the EU.

CE is a mark that indicates that the product has met the standards and directives of the European Safety/Health/Environment/Sanitation series.


LED lighting CE testing projects have the following five aspects:




4. If it is a LVD with a rectifier, generally do EN61347

5.EN61000-3-2/-3 (test harmonics)


CE is composed of EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) + LVD (low voltage command). EMC also includes EMI (interference) + EMS (anti-interference), LVD is generally SAFETY security, generally low-voltage products AC less than 50V, DC less than 75V can not do LVD projects. Low-voltage products only use EMC to test, CE-EMC certificate, high-voltage products need to test EMC and LVD, and two certificates and reports CE-EMC CE-LVD.


EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)--EMC test standard (EN55015, EN61547), the test items include the following aspects: 1.radiation radiation 2.conduction conduction 3.ESD static 4.CS conduction anti-interference 5.RS radiation anti-interference 6. EFT pulse.


LVD (Low Voltage Directive) - LVD Test Standard (EN60598), the test items include the following aspects:

1.Fault (test) 2. Impact 3. Vibration 4. Shock

5. Clearance 6. Creepage distance 7. Electric shock

8. fever 9. Overload 10. Temperature rise test.