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Choosing the perfect warehouse lighting


Choosing the perfect warehouse lighting

Determine how bright you want the warehouse to be

One thing you may not know is that the color of the ceiling and walls of the warehouse can determine the amount of light required for that location. For example, a warehouse with white walls and white ceilings does not need very bright lights, because white paint reflects light and makes a place look brighter. However, warehouses with gray walls and white ceilings need brighter lighting because gray paint does not reflect light well.

If you paint the walls and ceiling of your warehouse white, you may not need to get LEDs that produce a lot of lumens. Moreover, if LEDs consume very little power, they will greatly reduce the lighting part of the electricity bill. If your warehouse has skylights, you can turn off all the lights on sunny days to save more energy.

Pay close attention to color temperature

Color temperature generally describes the appearance of the light emitted by the bulb. It allows us to understand the look and feel of the light produced by the bulb.

Those lamps with a color temperature between 3100K and 4500K are "cold" or "bright" and produce neutral white light, possibly with a blue tint. Bulbs with a color temperature higher than 4500K produce blue-white light similar to daylight.

Optics is very important

In order to maximize the income per square foot, the modern warehouse has high ceilings and narrow aisles. The old lighting technology distributes light sideways and downwards. Because they have a wide beam angle, passing it to unneeded places wastes a lot of light.

Most new LEDs have integrated optics to achieve better performance. The optical device shapes and focuses the light generated by the light-emitting diode, thereby determining the illumination mode. They can distinguish mediocre lighting from excellent lighting in a warehouse. They ensure that the LED emits a narrow beam angle, which is very suitable for ceiling and shelf systems in high warehouses.

Lighting experts use photometry to determine the foot candles needed in the warehouse and how to distribute the light across the surface. The lighting center can conduct a free lighting audit to determine the best optics for your warehouse.

Don't forget the lighting control

Lighting controls have greatly changed the way energy is used because they ensure that the lighting is only turned on when necessary. They are an integral part of every great lighting design because they automatically adjust the light output. One of the best things about LEDs is that they can work well with all types of lighting controls (from occupancy sensors to dimmers).

By installing different lighting controls in different rooms, the energy consumption of the warehouse can be greatly reduced. For example, you can install motion sensors in lights outside the warehouse and occupancy sensors in busy areas of the warehouse.